Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Don't Down The Noise!!!

Have you ever had an unexplained hunch? It seemed like an internal urge to do something – or not do something – and even though you couldn’t explain it, you knew for sure it was there. Have you had a mental flash of an image or idea? It seemed to come out of nowhere, but it was vivid and clear.

Those things are function of your intuition which is a part of your spiritual faculties. Your ability to clearly discern your intuition has everything to do with your level of “internal noise”. What is internal noise? Internal noise is excessive mental and emotional clutter – thoughts, ideas, fears, to do lists, etc. It’s all the stuff that’s scattered around in your mind and spirit. Imagine being a room that had a 3 televisions playing 3 different movies, 2 radios tuned to 2 different stations, a desktop computer playing an audio file, a laptop computer downloading information, a landline phone ringing, and a cell phone receiving text messages. Dizzying, right? Imagine a small, still voice trying to communicate something amidst all of that chaos. How could you possibly hear anything over all of that commotion? You couldn’t. And that’s what it’s like inside of you when there’s internal noise.

When God is speaking through your intuition, it’s in a small still voice or a flash of inspiration. If you’re internally noisy, you can’t hear it and you miss life-changing moments. How many times have we said something like, “I should have followed my mind” or “Something told me not to do that”. That’s intuition – gently guiding us to where we should be but never forcing us to take the enlightened path.

Today, I challenge you to turn down the internal noise and create a tranquil inner space for your intuition to be loud and clear. Here are some easy ways you can turn the internal noise down:

-Meditate. Even if it’s just 5 minutes in the morning, spend some time in stillness before you begin the day. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and gently clear away any thoughts to just focus on being present. Then slowly begin to see yourself in an ideal space of happiness, love, and abundance.

-Journal. Journaling gets it all out so spend some time writing about the things that are loudest in your inner space. Whether it’s a troubled relationship or a lingering problem, write about it honestly and thoroughly. Release it on the page and allow yourself to be open to the solution.

-Change your environment. Getting away – whether it’s a walk around the block or a week in another country – can inspire clarity and inner quiet. New surroundings require that we be totally present and observant of ourselves and our surroundings, thereby pushing the mute button on inner noise and inviting revelation and creativity.

Inspired Journaling Prompt: Write about a situation in your life when you followed a “hunch” and had a wonderful outcome. Write about other ways following your intuition can empower you.

Inspired Action: Listen! Listen to God’s voice and act on what you hear. Don’t let grass grow under your intuitive leads – take action right away!

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