Thursday, December 31, 2009

Don't Create Resolutions This Year!!

This piece came directly from my Inspired Living E-zine. If you're feeling excited about 2010 but want to focus your energy, give this a shot. I recently heard that in the absence of clarity, it's impossible to tell the difference between an opportunity and a distraction. Be specific about what you want to see happen this year and be sure you're willing to trade something you have now to get it! Happy New Year!

This week, I’m offering you 4 practical tips for making 2010 your best
year ever. Regardless of what you want to see happen this year, you can
position yourself for outrageous success.

1. Mine 2009 For Lessons. What did you learn this year? It’s easy to
run through a mental list of what went well and where you could improve,
but seeing things on paper is powerful. Take time today or tomorrow to make
a physical list of 4 things
-Your successes from 2009
-Your challenges from 2009
-The areas where you improved the most (from one point to the next)
-The important lessons you learned in 2009
2. Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions. Decide what you want December
2010 to look like. Use the 6 key areas of Inspired Living as outlined in
Divine Inspirations or the free e-book you got when you signed up for this
list. Resolutions are traps. They create a desire to achieve something
meaningful, but they don’t contain the means to achieve the desired
result. Instead of resolutions, use the VGPA system for making things
happen in 2010.
Vision – Create the vision for 2010. What will success look and feel
like for you this year? What are you willing to exchange to get what you
want? Be specific with the details of your goals.
Goals – Set goals from those visions. For instance, if your vision is a
toned, healthy body, set goals that will help you accomplish that. Perhaps
your goal would look like this:
Health goals – lose 20 lbs, exercise 3 times per week, drink 1L of
water daily
From there, you’re empowered to make things happen because your goals
are specific and measurable.
Plan – After the goals are in place, then create a plan to make the
goals happen. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Be sure that you
spend the necessary time thinking through how you will make your goals
happen. Simply visualizing and hoping won’t work! Create a plan and
Make It Happen – No plan works unless you do! Get going! You’ve got
an amazing vision, great goals, and a well-laid plan. It’s time to pound
the pavement and to leverage your personal power for success. Don’t allow
half the year to blow by before you make moves on creating the next chapter
of your life.
3. Educate Yourself. Learn all you can about the subject matter of the
goals you set. Remember that readers are leaders, and that knowledge is
power. You can’t create an exceptional life if you don’t know what it
takes to get what you want. Invest in yourself and learn all you can to
become the best person you can in 2010.
4. Empower Yourself. Use all of the tools at your disposal to increase
your odds of success. Take the necessary steps to set yourself up to
succeed this year.
-Write your goals down. People who write their goals down achieve much
more than those who don’t. Take the time to list your goals and review
them daily.
-Visualize your goals. Spend time seeing yourself achieving your goals.
Take a few minutes each morning and each night to contemplate your goals
and see yourself inside of your future success.
-Create a vision board. Grab a piece of poster board and attach pictures
and words that reflect the goals you want to achieve in the 6 key areas of
Inspired Living. Use this vision board as a tangible reminder of everything
you’re working towards in 2010.
-Find a coach or mentor. Connect with someone who’s done the things you
want to do and create an alliance with that person. Remember that success
leaves clues and another person’s experiences can empower you to achieve
more, in less time.

Give yourself every chance for success this year. You deserve to “live
the life of your dreams”, and I’m committed to supporting you in 2010
as you reach for the starts.

Inspired Journaling Prompt: Write about your vision for 2010 and write
about why you want to see those things happen in your life.

Inspired Action: Use each of the 4 key success tips from this week to set
the pace for 2010. Make 2010 your best year ever and commit to your goals!

Until next time, be inspired!

Reflecting & Regrouping - An Overachiever's Confessions

I'm making this incredibly personal post to put myself on blast and hopefully inspire someone out there in cyberspace to take my advice. I've been poking around online the past week or so looking at various posts about how to "win in 2010" and how to make "2010 a 10"...and most of them have been good - helpful in some regard and food for thought.

However, none of them have dealt with the big, ugly monster I've been wrestling for about 3 weeks - overachiever's guilt. Some people may roll their eyes at this idea, but anyone who is purposeful, accomplished, and ambitious can probably relate on some level - you've either been there or you're there now.

So, here's my deal - it feels like I'm lagging. Why? I have no idea. In reality, 2009 was a very big year for me. I got a lot done and even more in place for a stellar 2010. I'm properly positioned to go to the next level, and there's nothing standing in my way. So why this angsty feeling?

As an overachiever, I sometimes find myself using an unrealistic measuring stick for myself. I somehow believe that I "should have" accomplished things someone twice my age has and I occasionally wrestle with the typical entrepreneur's mental hampster wheel of always feeling the need to be "productive". Every one around me has been stoked about 2010, and honestly, deep down inside, I am too...because on a subconscious level, I know I'm winning...I know I'm positioned for amazing things, but on the conscious level, it feels blah...

But that was until I started one of my New Year's Eve rituals - lesson mining - for 2009. I began making a list of successes and wins from 2009. For whatever reason, I expected to struggle with this, but as I surveyed the various areas of my life, I realized that 2009 has been exceptional and that I have so much to celebrate! I realized that I had been allowing overachiever's guilt to keep me stuck in a place of thinking I was doing enough or that there wasn't enough happening. The truth is that I've grown exponentially and that I'm learning to do less and achieve more.

I'm also realizing that much of my discomfort comes from growth. When we're out of our comfort zones, we're growing and we're moving into new spaces. Over time, I've grown comfortable with discomfort. I live outside of my comfort zone - always pushing, always stretching, always reaching. And it's a wonderful acquired taste.

After coming to this realization, I'm much more at peace. I understand that as a woman who has larger than life dreams, insatiable hunger for knowledge, and a relentless work ethic, I will rarely feel complete satisfaction, and I'm finally okay with that. In fact, it's that faint dissatisfaction, that unyielding curiosity about possibility, that spurs me on to defy odds and be, do, and have more. I am mastering that delicate balance of being content enough to be grateful and have peace while being dissatisfied enough to keep my edge and use my creativity and skills to create new successes for myself and others. I'm evolving into new elements of myself...and now that I understand this, I can be happy about it. Yes.

So, as I spend the remainder of my evening praying, writing, reading, and meditating, I eagerly anticipate bringing in 2010 with new levels of clarity and inspiration. I believe I will reflect on this time and see the turning point that is this moment. As I move gratefully and happily into this new decade, I look forward to continuing to shoot for the moon and share the journey with you.

May God richly bless you and keep you!

LEAD & succeed!

Leadership is essential to personal & professional success. As we look around us, we see that leaders are among the highest paid and most respected people in the world. There’s a reason that leadership is such a prized commodity: great leaders help pave the way for the world to walk a path of excellence.

This week, I challenge you to become a better leader!

Have faith in yourself! If you don’t see yourself as a leader, it will be difficult at best to develop your leadership qualities and evolve into the fantastic leader you can be. We all have talents and strengths so use yours to help master leadership. Remember that the only limitations you have as a person are those you set up in your mind.

Master & eliminate the habit of procrastination, taking daily consistent action is one of the primary keys to success. Highly successful leaders share the trait of being disciplined and able to consistently take steps to move them closer to their goals.

Teach what you know. You have a talent or gift that you may not be using to the fullest extent. What knowledge or expertise do you have that’s being unused? If you have specialized knowledge, look for a way to teach others what you know. This could be as simple as starting a blog about the topic or starting a small business assisting others with the topic.

Become a Lifelong learner! Many people stop learning once they finish school. However, leaders are always learning & developing themselves. How often are you reading or listening to books? Do you attend seminars? Do you have a mentor? The investments you make into your personal development will be revealed in the quality of your life.

Invest in relationships! Leaders need to have great relationships with their followers in order to maintain their respect and loyalty. How good are you at forming and sustaining healthy relationships? Part of being a great leader is not just your ability to reveal yourself as a great person but to inspire greatness in others.

Go above and beyond. Leaders are people who do not nickel & dime themselves or others. They consistently achieve excellence by being willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Be accountable. Great leaders account for the results they create. If they meet with temporary defeat, they do not look for others to blame. They take responsibility for being the leader and they look for ways to improve.

Be willing to fail! Many would-be leaders will never realize their full potential because they’re afraid of being judged or of failing. Remember that the only person who never fails is the one who never attempts anything. In order to become an exceptional leader, you must be willing to accept risk and to press on, even in the face of defeat. Persistence will be an important trait to develop as you leverage your failures into success.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Prepare for your Victory!

You may have heard the saying that when preparation meets opportunity, success happens. In recent years, there’s been a lot of talk about the internal success process: creating a vision, visualizing yourself in possession of the goal, and creating positive vibes & energy. All of these things are helpful in your process of creating success, but no amount of positive thinking takes the place of preparation.

Are you prepared to get everything that you say you want to receive? Success is not an accident. It happens as the result of a clear vision, a well conceived plan, and most importantly, ACTION. Without action, even the best laid plans are worthless.

You don’t get what you want or think about – you get what you prepare for. Today, consider what you are truly prepared to receive in your life and what you’re merely wishing for. Throughout history, we see countless battles won, victories achieved, and triumphs gained because of focus and preparation. In order to be the best, you have to train for your challenges – because everyone meets with challenges at one time or another. Your success lies in how you handle those challenges and how you leverage setbacks for success.

Without preparation, countless opportunities will slip through your fingers. Consider yourself a top athlete or major star preparing for a performance. You need to see yourself winning and doing well, and you need to train like crazy so that your success is second nature. Your big event is your destiny, and you don’t want to be without the strength, knowledge, and skills necessary to give your very best to your life.

It’s time to stop wishing and hoping and start preparing! Prepare to receive what you want by making room in your life for what you want and taking the necessary steps to capitalize on every opportunity that crosses your path.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Transitions Can Empower You!

Each transition is an opportunity to look at who you are - and where you're headed.
Adversity will introduce you to yourself. Character, integrity, and truth will all become crystal clear upon your entry into a life storm. Hardship reveals your inner workings.

So, the beauty of the above statement is that it doesn't say hardship or says TRANSITION. I love that because the things we perceive as hardships are usually just spite of our desire to cling to the familiar and the comfortable, our transitions are usually good for us. They help us grow, and they teach us valuable lessons about life.
Beyond learning new things about who you really are, you'll gain a new understanding of where you should be and where you want to be. Perhaps your transition was painful and you want to avoid transitions like it in the future, you can take that experience, sort out the lessons, and throw away the pain & guilt. In doing so, you give yourself permission to move on from the transition by owning the future - the spotless new path waiting for you to apply all that you've learned.
Of course, change is inevitable but growth is a choice. So, we must remember that with every turn and every fork in the road of our lives, we have complete control over our futures. I've often heard people who've just been through a trying time say, "It feels like my life is out of control." The opposite is true. During those times of chaos and confusion, we have a tremendous amount of control. Our decision to have a positive attitude and to find facilitative ways to deal with our emotions is a choice that will lend itself to healing and to the use of our experience to our advantage. In reflection, we often see situations that have occured that we deemed to be harmful or useless at the time, which later revealed themselves to be the beginnings of some of the most wonderful blessings we've ever received.

Lemon, alone, is sour and bitter. But add water and sugar and you have a tasty cup of lemonade. Know that your transition, while sour and bitter, is a key ingredient in your lemonade. You are the water - the main ingredient, and your attitude is the sugar that makes the lemonade worth drinking.

So, today, I encourage you to find ways to appreciate your transitions. Make a list of the GOOD things that have come out of your perceived hardships, and begin to use those things to your advantage. Make a conscious decision to maintain a positive and healthy attitude in spite of your circumstances. In doing so, your circumstances will slowly shape themselves into favorable ones.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Super Sunday Quote

God loves you unconditionally. Try to love yourself the same way. -Lisa Nicole Bell

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Super Saturday Quote

Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach. -Tony Robbins

Friday, December 25, 2009

My Christmas Wish For You

Today is a special day - even for those who don't celebrate Christmas, it's a time for everyone to gather with family and spend time in gratitude, joy, and reflection.

Today, I wish good things for you. I wish that you would spend time connecting with your loved ones. I wish that you would make a list of 10 things you're grateful for. I wish that you would be filled with joy and happiness for all that is around you. I wish good health, fond memories, and many laughs for you.

I wish that you would take moments away from the hustle and bustle to reflect on the year - on your success, your challenges, and your areas of opportunity. I wish that you would decide not to create any more resolutions and instead opt to use your vision of your destiny as the basis for creating goals and a plan that will leave for more successful, more healthy, more fulfilled, and more humble.

I wish an exceptional life for you, filled with all the good things you can stand and so much more. I wish love, light, and peace for you both now and always.

And all I ask in return is that you do all you can to make my wishes come true!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Be Thankful!

By Author Unknown
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giving Is The Key To A Happier, Healthier Life

Science as well as experience has shown us that giving is a one of the most profound experiences we can have. Many of us have experienced the pleasure of giving to those in need and those we love, but we may not be aware of just how much of a service we do to ourselves by giving.

Studies have shown that people who give not only live better lives (fewer illnesses, better emotional health), but they also live longer lives. This is important because it’s evidence that the things we put into our bodies are not the only determinants of how long or how well we live. Additionally, it speaks to the impact of emotional and mental health on physical health.

I’ve often said that our physical health is directly affected by our emotional health, and I see evidence everywhere of this being true.

By giving, we not only open ourselves up to the receiver, we bring ourselves into harmony with our minds and the universe. We, as humans, are spiritual beings having human experiences, which is why we often feel compelled to help those in need and experience emotions like sympathy. By allowing our emotional instincts to guide us, we become giving, loving people, and in turn, do ourselves some tremendous favors.

Although it appears that the receiver of the gift benefits the most from it, the truth is that the GIVER benefits just as much, if not more. How do you feel when you’re able to give a child something he/she needs? Good, right? That feeling, also known as a Helper’s High, releases feel good chemicals into the blood stream. In addition to feeling that we’ve done something good, we are put in touch with our realities and our minds are taken off of ourselves. By focusing on someone else’s need, we’re able to put our own perceived problems and shortcomings aside…and in coming back to them, we usually realize that they are not nearly as intimidating as we once thought.

So, I encourage you to enjoy the benefits of giving! In addition to helping those around you, you’ll be helping yourself to become a better person and to live better and longer!

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Healthy Life Stems From Healthy Choices

In life, we all have choices to make…from the clothes we’ll wear each day to the careers we pursue, we have to weigh our options and make decisions.

Many of us have goals we’d like to achieve and things in our lives we’d like to change. What many of us fail to realize is how connected our decisions, however big or small, are to the circumstances and realities of our lives.

Too often, we make choices that are not in keeping with the goals we are attempting to achieve. A lack of discipline is usually the cause of this ill, but behaving in a disciplined way requires self-esteem and awareness. If a person’s goal is to lose weight, then why would that person choose not to exercise? If a person is trying to save money for a car or a home, then why would that person choose to spend $500 on unnecessary clothes? We have to examine how today’s decision affect tomorrow’s reality. While we shouldn’t live in worry or stress of what tomorrow may bring, it is responsible for us to consider our futures in every decision we make in all facets of our lives.

We can craft the very life we want to live! Do you realize that? Nothing is stopping you from going where you want to go, doing what you want to do, and being who you want to be but YOU! We can easily site a list of outside reasons why we can’t do this or can’t do that, but I present to you the theory that we are in control of ourselves and our lives, right after God.

Blaming the past, other people, and our circumstances weakens us and keeps us from ever fulfilling our potential. By taking responsibility for our decisions and the outcome, we take our power back and are then able to wield that power to our advantage in making more informed decisions in the future.

Our decisions shape our destinies. The decision to have an apple instead of a bag of potato chips can contribute to a healthier, leaner body. The decision to save $20 instead of blowing it on the club may result in earlier retirement. The decision to sleep a little longer in the morning may result in being late for work. The decision to go to counseling with a loved one may result in a life-changing bond.

Our CHOICES, the ones we make every day, are the essence of what we become and how our lives unfold. With healthy choices come healthy, desirable consequences. With poor choices come poor, unpleasant consequences. Oftentimes, we don’t recognize the cumulative effect of our actions until it’s too late.

Understanding the profundity of our choices enables us to own the decision-making process and be more aware of how we can are the constructors of our circumstances, good or bad.

So, today I encourage you to make healthy, life-affirming choices that are in alignment with your goals and your vision for yourself. Be wise and strong enough to reject those things that do not improve your life and choose the things that do.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Super Sunday Quote

“Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods”

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Super Saturday Quote


Friday, December 18, 2009

Commit to yourself in 2010!

I wrote this earlier this year, but I believe it bears repeating with the new year on the horizon!

Do you have commitment issues?

Let me ask you a couple of questions…
Are you committed to anything in your life 100%?
Are you committed to yourself 100%
What would happen if you committed to yourself – your success, your happiness, and your growth – 100%?

I have a confession to make: I was once an undercover commitmentphobe. On the surface, I appear very committed to things: my life, my spiritual and personal development, my career, and my health. And I am. I am a disciplined person – able to make lasting changes in my life and consistently make choices that are in alignment with my goals. However, every now and then, traces of my commitmentphobia appear, and I deal with them accordingly.

This occurred to me over the course of the past few months as several situations have presented themselves that required commitment – and even though I’ve been able to discern what was right for me and what wasn’t and then make great decisions, I still felt that hesitation…the shortness of breath, the mental clenching, the 3 year old in my head saying, “Do we HAVE to? We have to do this for how long??? What if we wanna do somethin’ else?” I attribute my commitment issues to a need for variety and to my disdain for monotony and feeling “boxed in”. I think this is why I am an entrepreneur, and this is why I do very well with the things I commit to and do nothing at all when I’m lukewarm…I need to always feel that I have a CHOICE…never feeling stuck, always knowing that my consistent, stable behavior is a choice of mind and that like a bird, I could fly away at any given moment. Power lies in our ability to choose.

I don’t really have a problem with the idea of being in things for the long haul – after all, my business, my health, and marriage (very soon) all require focus, discipline, and commitment. I’m all for it – I cheer those commitments on. I decided to explore this seeming contradiction because I’ve discovered that a LOT of people feel the way I do – they want to do things, but the idea of being “stuck” is enough to make them jump off of a bridge – myself included. However, these same people are often extremely committed to a handful of things in their lives. I wondered if the issue was them not understanding the benefit of the prospective commitment versus the current commitment, but then something occurred to me…

People who are able to succeed at being committed to other people and things are typically those who are committed to themselves first. That’s an interesting thought, right? Let’s unpack it.

What is required of you to commit to yourself? I mean, to REALLY commit to yourself…that would mean taking yourself somewhat seriously – thinking critically about where you are in your life, where you want to go, and what you plan to do about it. Then you would have to DO something about it, starting today. It would require that you love yourself with reckless abandon and be hopelessly devoted to your growth and success on every level. Scary, huh?

I remember standing at the door of all the things I wanted about 2 years ago – success, love, achievement, money, peace of mind, freedom, space to be who I wanted to be. That season in my life was life-changing to say the least, but as I reflect on it, the key that unlocked the door was – wait for it – commitment.

I found it scary, unnerving, and uncomfortable at first. I didn’t really know what I was committing to…I had a fuzzy idea of what I wanted from life and for myself, but I wasn’t quite sure WHO I was or who I was supposed to be so I decided to simply commit to finding out. People always say, “Be yourself”…but what if you’re not sure who you are? What if you’re still exploring all the complexities that comprise YOU? You are entitled to the process of discovery. That process should be safe for you – free of judgment and stumbling blocks. After commitment, the best things you can have are an open mind, a pen and a pad, and people who love and support your evolution. The people are important because self-actualized, happy, successful people can be an invaluable asset in your personal growth and development. And having people in your corner who truly believe in you and are committed to your success will change your life.

I was fortunate enough to have all 3 and my life looks COMPLETELY different as a result. The woman I was 2 years ago would not even recognize the woman I am today – and it’s exhilarating to be authentic, to be completely comfortable in my own skin, and to live life on my own terms with no shame, confusion, or doubt. And in addition to having grown into a woman who I love, trust, admire, respect, and cherish, I’ve also gotten more comfortable jumping out of the proverbial planes in my life – committing and surrendering myself to new experiences, remembering that there’s always a lesson for me and I choose the meaning of my life. As I nurture my relationship with myself, my spirit grows richer and so does my life.

And the interesting thing is that I didn’t get ALL of those things right away…in fact, it’s been a process – a steady, daily process. But as I look up from time to time, I notice that the pieces of the puzzle of my life are beginning to fit together and in a seamless, beautiful way that gives me EXACTLY what I want and then some. And the feeling is indescribable.

Commitment…sometimes we think we need inspiration or motivation when all we really need is to commit to what we say we want and then get on with the business of being, doing, and having. As I coached a client the other day, I explained this to her…that she just needed to commit. She didn’t need all of these external things – SHE was the answer to her burning questions.

So, I’ll ask you again…
What would happen if you committed to yourself – your success, your happiness, and your growth – 100%?
What are you waiting for? Let’s GO! You can do it – if your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it. Don’t waste another day wondering and singing should have, could have, would haves. Do something, anything, today. You owe it to yourself to be the best you and to live well. You’re worth it!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wearing Multiple Hats

So many of you know that I'm a multi-hyphenate...I do lots of different things and wear lots of different hats. I have a love/hate relationship with the titles at times because I tend to believe that people who do too many things can easily become a jack of all trades and master of none. However, I do believe it's totally possible to possess talents in several areas and to be able to integrate those things efficiently to create a career that serves the individual and leads to a sense of fulfillment.

I'm a published author, speaker, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and radio show host. I often giggle at myself when I choose what to share when someone says, "So, what do you do?" because even those the answer is usually "author, filmmaker, entrepreneur", it sometimes changes according to the environment. And maybe that's a good thing.

Several years ago, I struggled with this. I felt that I had to be one or the other...either a Type A or Type B...either a corporate type or artistic type...either a businesswoman or an actress/filmmaker. And the toggle between the two sent me into depression, frustration, and disillusionment. I felt lost...and I never felt completely comfortable in my own skin. I always felt like I should be doing something I was going through the motions wherever I was. One day, I was hit by lightning...and I realized that I didn't have to choose - that I could choose to craft an authentic and ideal career for myself if I would be true to my passions and the things that came easiest to me. And voila! My career was born.

I had developed some great skills prior to that time by virtue of playing hopscotch between entertainment and business. I knew how to close a deal, make a sale, and nail a presentation. I could manage time, organize workspace, and engage in watercooler chat. On the flip side, I could create a character from scratch, write an engaging article, and produce a play. I could write a screenplay, nail an audition, and talk my head off. So, why was I choosing? Who was this imaginary person forcing me to "be" one or the other?

Over time, I realized that nobody was holding me down but me. I think this is true for a lot of people. We feel that we've got to fit neatly into boxes so that other people can properly categorize us and feel comfortable with us. But what if we decided to step into our authentic selves - in all of their messy, unorthodox glory? I have developed my most amazing relationships with other authentic people...people who just let it be and insist on allowing themselves to evolve and grow as human beings should. They refuse to be one dimensional or to sing one note. They live & experience life out loud.

I'm always saying that - "live out loud" - but I say it so often because so many people are living a single side of their duality or multiplicity. They somehow feel that the validity of one aspect of themselves will be diluted if they step into that new phase or role - that they can't possibly be, do, or have more than one thing at a time.

I've excitedly watched as the trend of entrepreneurship, moonlighting, and "side hustles" has risen in 2009. I love watching people flirt with and give in to the elements that comprise them that have been previously suppressed.

In the spirit of lesson mining, I offer this:
~Allow yourself to evolve. The tendency to want to remain the same is natural but unhealthy, in my opinion. The world is always in flux, as are we. We are not to be the same forever.

~Stability is often an excuse for laziness. Nothing leads to mediocrity faster than the tendency for people to want to not rock the boat.

~Never allow anyone to box you in! I decided earlier this year that I was done thinking outside the box - I threw the stupid box away! I don't need a box. My world is infinite and has endless possibilities. I choose this reality and I encourage you to choose the same.

~Jump out of the plane! Live out loud! Decide to express the many colors of your personality and allow yourself to live in a space of childlike wonder with yourself and the opportunities around you. You're put here to achieve multiple things before you pass on so make the most of your time by giving every shade of your being a fair chance.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Book Review 2009

The end of the year is upon us and I always use the last 2 months of the year to reflect on the year's accomplishments, push out any last goals, and prepare for victory in the coming year.

So today, I'm reviewing the top 10 books I read in 2009 and sharing with you. Many of you know that I'm a hardcore book person and that I STRONGLY recommend that others read as well. Readers are leaders and much of the wisdom and information we seek from other people is in books! It's rarely necessary that we spend thousands of dollars to get what we need - many of the most important and best things in life are free and in books. If you don't have a library card, get one! And commit to doing more reading in 2010. Decide now that you're going to make learning an important part of your life in 2010 - I guarantee you'll see results.

So here we go...

1. The Law of Success - Napoleon Hill
This book is, I mean like 400+ pages long. It's long and thick and the pages are wide...but it's worth every word! I read this book the way you eat your favorite meal - slowly but deliberately, enjoying the flavor, reflecting on it as you go. This book proved to be transformative for me because I've never read a book that was so thorough in the analysis of success and all that comes with it. Most people who are into personal development and/or wealth creation have read Napoleon's classic, Think & Grow Rich, but few have put in the time and effort to read this success textbook. I found it enlightening and wise, full of lessons that can be applied immediately. I highly recommend it.

2. You, Inc - Harry Beckwith & Christine Clifford Beckwith
I liked this book much more than I thought I would. For some reason, I expected it to be stuffy and tough to push through. Instead, it was funny, insightful, and an easy read. I like how conversational these 2 authors are, even when communicating a more structured topics and ideas. I found it beneficial to me as I continue building my personal brand and also as a leader and entrepreneur.

3. The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson
This book was in close running for the number 2 spot. I found it to be an eye-opening reminder of things we already know subconsciously but may not actively be applying to our lives. I was delighted by the depth of this book and enjoyed exploring how I could apply this to my own life. After doing so, I've been able to create some powerful results for myself and have been happily recommending the book to friends, family, colleagues, and clients.

4. The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles
I've read this book several times and decided to read it again this year. I enjoy it more and more every time. This book is timeless and offers a great nuts and bolts understanding of the invisible aspects of money - how our attitudes and thoughts about money yield results. I enjoy reading it and often refer back to it for reminders.

5. The Language of Letting Go - Melody Beattie
This book is written for "codependents" but made a great morning read for my earlier in the year. Broken up into vignettes, it is inspiring and compelling - encouraging you to confront yourself in a new way while gently prodding you to be better as a human being. I enjoy this book and often flip through it for nuggets of wisdom.

6. Jesus CEO - Laurie Beth Jones
Jesus CEO should probably be higher on the list than this, but I've read a lot of good books this year and had a tough time placing it. I was excited to read this book every day. It was an easy read in terms of layout but had to be digested slowly because if you actually apply the concepts in the book, you need time to experience them. I found the book inspiring and refreshing - a new take on career-related spirituality. I enjoyed observing Jesus and His works in a new way and learning how I could emulate Him in my leadership and aspirations. Very good book for anyone looking to create a high-powered career or become an exceptional leader.

7. Influence - Robert Cialdini
I stumbled on this book earlier this year and had no idea what a gem it was or that it was so popular in some corporate/sales circles. I was fascinated by the analysis and the honesty of the author. The book is about how certain tactics affect human tendencies and how certain strategies can manipulate people into engaging in certain behaviors. I became hypersensitive to the sales pitches all around me, but admittedly, I also became a better saleswoman...better able to negotiate and better able to persuade. Fortunately, I've used this new "power" for good and have been able to help and empower other people as a result. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in sales, marketing, public speaking, or entrepreneurship.

8. The Right To Write - Julia Cameron
I enjoyed this book because Julia is such a kind writer. She "gets" what you're dealing with as a writer and creative because she is also a writer and creative. Her tone is empathetic yet encouraging, and she gently helps you pull back the layers that complicate your being as a writer. Writers tend to have this reputation for being tormented, introverted beings, but she gives writers permission to step out of the shadows of those stereotypes and just write. She emphasizes something that I value - fun - and encourages writers not to take themselves and their work so seriously. I love that because that ability is something many writers lack and as a result, they spiral into self-destructive habits and mild depression. I'm happy that I've finally found peace with myself as a writer and I appreciated everything Julia had to offer in this piece. I actively use the suggestions from this book when I feel myself drifting out of balance. I highly recommend it for artists, actors, writers, and creatives.

9. The Answer - John Assaraf and Murray Smith
This book would have been higher on the list, but I tend to value personal development books more than I do business books...not sure why. Anyway, I loved this book...I LOVED this book. It is one of the best written books for entrepreneurs out there. It's sympathetic to what entrepreneurs face yet it's firm and honest. It forces the entrepreneur to take responsibility for his or her results and business. It also does something many other business books don't - it integrates the entrepreneur's personal and professional lives. I love that because I don't truly believe an entrepreneur has a line between personal and professional dealings. We're never really "off" the clock...we tend to have minds that race and we're almost always thinking about our businesses so to pretend that we're no longer on the clock, even at Christmas dinner, is borderline silly to me. I appreciate how honest the authors were about that and I love that this book is broken up into 2 main parts - the first part dealing with the thoughts, emotions, and personal development of the entrepreneur and the second part dealing with the business of the entrepreneur. I found it balanced and inspiring and enjoyed being able to see my business in a new light as a result of their analysis. I very highly recommend this for any entrepreneur.

10. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C. Maxwell
This is a great book for career people and entrepreneurs alike. I love John's analysis and his understanding of what it takes to become a strong leader obviously comes from an organic place. I enjoyed learning about his own lessons that have come over the years of running several successful companies and not only becoming a leader himself but also developing other leaders. I found this book to be an inspiration and a huge eye-opener to me about how essential leadership would be to my success over the next 5 years. I have actively been working on developing myself as a leader and also developing the leaders in my company and my life. I have a new respect for leadership, as a trait, and have even centered our Inspired Girls International Life & Leadership Camp around it.I'm happy to have discovered this book before I made the grave errors mentioned in it. I recommend this for leaders from all walks of life and those who want to be leaders.

Honorable Mentions
Make A Name For Yourself - Robin Roffer
The Power of Cult Branding - Matthew Ragas & Bolivar Bueno
Winning - Jack Welch
Nice Girls Don't Finish Rich - Lois P. Frankel
Lady In Waiting - Kendall Jones

Monday, December 14, 2009

A word on honesty...

I recently had a situation occur where someone close to me lied to me. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time this person had lied about something, and I found myself disappointed, frustrated, and confused. After all, I made it clear to this person after the first incident that lying was unacceptable and that I was a "safe" person - one with whom this person could be honest.

After spending time in reflection, I realized that this person's issues are simply deep and do not concern me. When situations like these occur, it's easy to start looking for a place to lay blame. Blame and the assignment of responsibility help us make sense of things and allow the logical parts of our brains to be at rest knowing that something or someone caused an incident to occur.

However, sometimes, there is no cause other than a lack of integrity and poor character. We can't get apples from an orange tree so the best course of action is to believe what we see from dishonest people and to then handle them accordingly.

While I do believe in second chances, and generally speaking, I believe people can change, I also believe it's rare. The human psyche plays so many tricks on us and often hinders us from ascending to our full potential. Even when given new opportunities to get it right, we often find ourselves feeling as if it "couldn't have been that bad" since the worst didn't happen. And yet the grace which could have been easily been withheld goes taken for granted.

If you've followed me anywhere for any length of time, you know I'm a lesson miner. I very strongly believe in mining life's experiences for lessons that can empower us to live well in the future. And so, I'm taking several important lessons from this and I'm reminded of others...

~Another person's lack of integrity is never your fault. Personal responsibility is king and cannot be evaded. Ever.

~People must want change for themselves and be fervent in their pursuit of it. There's nothing that can be done to help the person who does not help him or her self.

~When you choose to behave in accordance with your values and morals, those same things will follow you. Revenge is for people who do not believe in the Law of Reaping & Sowing. Revenge negates your own flow of love, joy, peace, and abundance so allow God to deal justly with those who mistreat you.

This person will be graciously removed from my life, and space will be opened for someone else!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and the inevitability of something.
-Meredith Monk

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Super Saturday Quote

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. Theses are the magic keys to living your life with integrity."

- W. Clement Stone

Friday, December 11, 2009

Live authentically!

Imagine for a moment a shiny new's black so it reflects's's undeniably hot.

Looks nice huh?

Now what if the interior had candy wrappers, dirty diapers, soda cans, 3 month old food, mud, crumbs, and dust all over it?

That would be a obvious contrast from the shiny and clean exterior to the junky, filthy interior.

But how many of us are like this car? We spend more time cleaning and grooming our exteriors than we do our interiors.

I was speaking with a prospective member of the board of Inspired Girls, and the thing I just LOVE about this woman is her authenticity...I mean, she's so REAL. She's not afraid to be who she is, imperfections and all, and to acknowledge that in a very frank yet graceful way. To say that I have tremendous respect for her would be an understatement. And interestingly enough, her authenticity inspires the same in others.

Anyway, I was applauding her authenticity and telling her how much I appreciated that about her, and I began to consider why it was such a big deal to me. The reason is because there are so many people who struggle with being authentic. The relationship that we have with ourselves and with God is revealed in our relationships with others. When we struggle to be authentic with those around us, we can almost certainly trace the effect back to ourselves as the cause.

Part of the issue is not wanting to be seen as we are. Have you ever been in a lounge, club or restaurant that was dimly lit? You may have seen a person across the room who looked amazing, but when they stepped into the light, you saw their flaws and bordered on being indignant at the misrepresentation. We want to believe that what we see (or hear) is what we get...but too often this is not the case.

So, how do we remedy this? Well, it requires introspection and a commitment to growth. I have several framed quotes on the wall in my office and one of them says, "Love yourself unconditionally for this is how God loves you and He created you." I absolutely love it because I often need the reminder to be patient with myself. As we begin choosing to love ourselves, forgive ourselves, and believe that we should live the lives of our dreams, we find that our self-image improves as does our level of self-respect.

Albert Einstein said that problems cannot be solved on the level they were created. If you are operating at a level 2 that renders you inauthentic, your development into a person who is authentic will require change - an ascension to a higher plane. Most people can't have what they say they want because they're mastered by the fear of change. The unknown is single handedly responsible for a lack of achievement. And change, in all of its scary glory, requires commitment.

So what are we committing to? To being wrong sometimes. To making mistakes sometimes. To errors in judgment. To space to grow. To taking steps into the unknown. To jumping out of the proverbial planes in our lives. To being 100% true to the person who shows up in light rather than the person who cowers in darkness.

In my book, I talk about the importance of "safety" in relationships - safety to be honest, to communicate needs and wants, to pursue meaningful goals, and to make mistakes. Safety is rooted in being loved perfectly even though you are imperfect. In loving people as if they are what they ought to be, we help them become everything they should be. However, this level of love can only be achieved when we are able to love our imperfect selves perfectly. And so, this brings us again to the necessity of personal authenticity...because if you cannot accept and love yourself unconditionally - flaws and all - then you will be irritated at the very suggestion of having to love someone more than you love yourself.

My challenge to you is to begin (and continue) making authentic choices. Starting today. Say what you need to say - speak the truth in love. Make the decision you need to make. I can assure you that living in your truth and operating from complete authenticity and personal integrity will NOT always feel good. In fact, it will often make you uneasy...but I consider it an acquired taste. As you continue to operate authentically with yourself and others, you will find it less uncomfortable. You will attract other authentic people and create safe, healthy relationships. Over time, authenticity becomes a way of life and anything but the truth is considered unacceptable.

Every success is sweeter when achieved by the authentic you. You are more than enough.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Live out LOUD!

It's time out for living for tomorrow when today is staring us in the face! None of us can add an hour to our lives by worrying, and it goes a step further to explain that each day has enough trouble of its own and that we should live in the present. You guys, there are no words to communicate how profound and important this is. If you are one of those people waiting for "when" to come, PLEASE let that go in 2009. You can not spend your life waiting for "when" or holding out for some undisclosed time in the future. You have an infinite number of gifts and resources around you NOW...enjoy them! Seriously, what are you waiting for?

I know that we all have goals that we'd like to achieve, and we have things that we're expecting. I totally understand the need to plan for the future...I'm the QUEEN of planning and organizing. There's nothing wrong with having hope today for the fruition of plans made for tomorrow. However, it's not healthy for us to neglect our gifts, talents, and blessings with the anticipation that the future will somehow present a better "time" to employ those things than right now. God did not put your life on layaway!!! You're supposed to be loving the people around you...RIGHT NOW. You're supposed to be using your gifts...RIGHT NOW. You're supposed to be living out loud...RIGHT NOW. Not later. Not tomorrow. Not when you get yourself "together"....RIGHT NOW. Believe me when I tell you that if you are holding out, you are doing a disservice to yourself and to the world.

Having a vision for our future that differs from our current circumstances can be inspiring and exciting, but it can also keep us from fully committing to our present placement. We may become aware that this is happening when we notice our thoughts about the future distracting us from our participation in the moment. We may find upon searching our hearts that we are waiting for some future time or situation in order to self-actualize. This would be like a flower planted in North Dakota putting off blooming because it would prefer to do so in Illinois.

There are no guarantees in this life, so when we hold back we do so at the risk of never fully blossoming. This present moment always offers us the ground in which we can take root and open our hearts now. What this means is that we live fully, wherever we are, not hesitating because conditions are not perfect, or we might end up moving, or we haven't found our life partner. This can be scary, because we might feel that we are giving up our cherished dreams if we do not agree to wait for them. But this notion that we have to hold back our life force now in order to find happiness later doesn't really make sense. What might really be happening is that we are afraid to embrace this moment, and ourselves, just exactly as we are right now. This constitutes a tendency to hold back from fully loving ourselves and those around us, as we are, where we are.

We have a habit of presenting life with a set of conditions—ifs and whens that must be fulfilled before we will say yes to the gift of our lives. Now is the time for each of us to bloom where we are planted, overriding our tendency to hold back. Now is the time to say yes, to be brave and commit fully to ourselves and the love in our lives, because until we do no one else will. Now is the time to be vulnerable, unfolding delicately yet fully into the space in which we find ourselves.

Tomorrow is not promised. If someone loves you today, love them back! If you have a delicious meal today, savor it! If you have an inspiration today, act on it! If you want to achieve something, do it! Sometimes the very blessings we hope to receive in the future are in front of us in the present. We dig unnecessary holes for ourselves pushing people and things away with hopes that the future will yield some magical transformation of perfection. There is no such thing as the perfect time to do something and there never will be. The perfect time is always NOW.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Keep Your Temple Litter Free!


Many people have heard about my affinity towards Ralph Waldo Emerson and his essays. I find that he was ahead of his time and offered timeless wisdom on how we can live meaningful lives. This great quote on health is no different.

This week, we’re dealing with the wealth of your health. How is your health? Do you believe that health is your first wealth? If you’ve ever been sick for any significant length of time, you probably realized that without your health, most other things become irrelevant. After all, if you can not walk, the nicest shoes won’t matter. If you don’t have eyes to see, the most beautiful home won’t matter. If you are unable to move about, the most fabulous vacations won’t matter. We need our health to be able to enjoy other aspects of our lives and to express ourselves at the highest level.

Your body is not your own; it has been given to you by God as a gift of temporary housing. When we abuse our bodies, we move further from our authentic selves and from God. He wants to see us prosper; we can not serve others and live well if we are not in optimal health. It’s easy to do the right thing, but it’s also easy to not do the right thing. The cumulative effect of our choices results in great health or poor health. Remember that every choice counts.

I’m playing on Earth month this week using litter as a metaphor for junk food and destruction to our bodies. In honor of keeping your temple litter-free, I want to offer 4 important aspects of honoring your temple.

Water, water everywhere, and you really need to drink! Water is essential to a healthy body. You may be thinking, “I already know this.” Well, are you consistently drinking half your weight in ounces of water? For instance, if you weight 200 lbs, you should consume approximately 100 oz of water. Our bodies are about 60% water so it’s easy to understand why dehydration causes so many problems. Cutting back on soda and sugary fruit juices while increasing our water intake can make a dramatic difference in our internal and external health. Oftentimes, we don’t need another pill or miracle juice to gain health – we just need more water!

By your fruit, people will know you! Are you eating fruits and vegetables every day? The enzymes, minerals, and vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables outshine those of any multivitamin. If you have a tough time getting 5-9 servings in, consider blending your own smoothies and then supplementing with fruit as a snack. And remember, there are plenty of great fruits and veggies to choose from so get creative with what you eat and how you prepare it. Avoid potato chips, candy bars, and fattening snacks and reach for healthier alternatives like banana chips, organic fruit snacks, and vegetable trays.

Deep sleep! Your body repairs itself during rest so you need sleep! As busy as we all are, it’s easy for sleep to be the first thing we cut when our schedules get hectic. However, a lack of sleep is a culprit of so many ailments: headaches, poor digestion, weight retained in the midsection, slow recovery from sports injuries and more. Your body and mind need time to rejuvenate and repair in order to serve you every day.

Work that body! We need exercise to keep our energy levels high and to enhance mental clarity and hormonal balance. In addition to keep our bodies toned and fit, exercise is responsible for the release of endorphins, the feel good neurotransmitters in the brain that reduce pain and induce euphoria. Many people have been able to successfully address depression and other emotional issues with regular exercise. As a successful, spiritual person, you want a temple that reflects the health of your heart, mind, and spirit.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Are you making every hour in the day count?

“Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.”

Where Is Your Time Going?

Time – it’s one of the most precious things we have and yet we often use it so frivolously. Take a moment to consider how you spend your time – are you using it wisely or are you spending time on busy work that isn’t truly productive?

Time management is an important skill necessary to succeed. As adults, we assume that we know how to manage our time and often become indignant at the suggestion that we could improve. However, as with many things in our lives, we can always go from good to great. Think about how your life would change if you had 2 additional hours in every day to spend as you pleased. What would you do with that time? What if I told you that you could get that time?

Oftentimes, we are misusing and misappropriating time without realizing it. I’ve always considered myself a “productive” person, but I recently came to the realization that e-mail is a huge time sap for me. In light of this discovery, I’ve decided to begin limiting my e-mail usage to three times per day: first thing in the morning, mid-afternoon, and just before bed. There are few e-mails that I’ll receive that will be so urgent that they cannot wait. What is your time sap? Is it the phone? Do you look up after a phone call and wonder where the time went? Maybe your time sap is social networking, long lunches, or poor meeting planning. Whatever it is, consider taking control of your time and you’ll observe that you have more time than you did before!

Here are some tips for effective time management:

Map out the day on paper before you begin. Planning the day’s activities is a great way to improve efficiency. Time is often wasted wandering aimlessly from one activity to the next. Setting an intention for the day is a powerful way to get clear on your purpose and be sure that your activities are productive, not just busy. Plan 60% of your day then leave 20% for unanticipated developments and 20% for a buffer.

Make lists. Lists are a productive person’s friend. Think about the amount of energy you spend trying to remember a grocery list or trying to remember the things you needed to take care of before you leave the house. A list frees up your mental energy to be used on something more profound. Use lists as miniature assistants that keep you on track and remind you of the details.

Budget time with people. Networking is important. We need to create and maintain relationships with people. However, as you begin to assess how you’re spending your time, consider the return on the investment of spending time with certain people. In his book, The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson noted that there are people you should spend 2 minutes with and others you should spend 2 hours with. The key is to know who is who. Be honest with yourself about whether you are growing, flourishing, and expanding in the presence of those you spend your time with and make adjustments accordingly.

Get organized. Are you spending hours and hours trying to find things? Organization is essential to moving quickly from task to task. Clear the clutter from your home, car, and office, and not only will be thinking more clearly, you’ll observe that it’s easier to find things. Form the habit of putting things in their proper place once you’re doing using them.

Do it, delegate it, or dump it. Instead of putting things off, sit down and consider the task and what should really be done about it. Either do it right away, pass it off to a helper or partner, or get rid of it altogether. Using this method will free up much of your time and energy. Do what needs to be done to relieve yourself of any obligations that are no longer important to you or are not moving you in the direction of your goals.

Freeing up time in your schedule means more time to serve others, do the things you love, and spend time in God’s presence. Remember that your time, like your body, is a gift. Unlike money, once we spend our time, we can’t get it back so always spend wisely.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Super Sunday Quote

“Let nothing disturb thee; Let nothing dismay thee; All thing pass; God never changes. Patience attains All that it strives for. He who has God Finds he lacks nothing:God alone suffices.” -St. Theresa of Avila

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Super Saturday Quote

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions” -Raina Maria Rilke

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Stumble May Prevent A Fall!

Celebrating Divine Protection

Throughout our lives, we’ll have our share of ups and downs. As we mature, we appreciate that both the good times and the bad times are important in the fabric of our lives.

I was recently coaching a client who had a setback in her business. She was frustrated because an unanticipated event happened and though she was prepared, she was angry. As we discussed the event in more detail, I asked her if it was possible for the event to have evolved into something much worse. She paused for a moment and then said yes. There was a stretch of silence after that, and I could tell she got my point.

As inspired people, we need relevant strategies to help us keep life in perspective and stay on track. One of those strategies is what I call “catching ourselves before the fall.” Have you ever been walking along and tripped on something and almost fallen but didn’t? You stumbled and may have been embarrassed, but you didn’t fall. What if you had fallen and injured yourself badly? The embarrassment of a stumble would have been the least of your worries.

As life throws curve balls and we “stumble” on the rocks on our paths, we should reflect with gratitude on our stumbles because it is often the stumble that prevents us from falling flat on our faces. You may have heard someone say “It could always be worse.” And while this is true, we rarely appreciate that we are indeed being divinely protected. God’s timing, plans, and ways are perfect. His ultimate goal is to show love to us.

While lamenting a stumble, let us not forget that our stumbles may be preventing our falls. God’s love never fails.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Self-Control: An Unsung Essential to Success

Self-Control: we know we need it, but when temptations and frustrations are looming, we struggle to exert it. This week, I want to share some new perspectives with you on self-control and inspire you to exercise more self-control in your life.

When we think of the need for self-control, we often think of issues with anger and overindulgence. These areas certainly require attention, but let’s dig deeper. Do you find yourself angry when people criticize you? Do you get defensive and then decide to seek revenge on people who may attack or wrong you? As inspired people, we have to remember that the only taste of success some people will ever have is when they take a bite out of us! Revenge weakens us because we cannot harbor resentment and negative energy and make progress at the same time. When we carry the burdens of anger and the need to control other people, we put on a 50 lb backpack that slows us down as we run the race of life.

When criticized or attacked, you have 2 choices: strike back or allow your work to speak for itself and leave vindication in God’s hands. Because God’s ways are so much bigger and better than ours, we often plot schemes that are illogical and unfair, not realizing that God is just and will serve any punishment that is due. We separate ourselves from Him when we engage in combative and malicious behavior.

The best revenge is a life well-lived. You may be thinking, “Well that sounds nice, but some people really get on my nerves!” And to that I reply, “This is why self-control is necessary.” It’s the people and situations that irritate us the most that serve as measuring sticks of our commitment to self-control and excellence. Remember that your life is about being a builder, not a destructor. Outstanding people throughout history have faced violent opposition from jealous, envious, unwise people. Don’t let a lack of self-control dissipate your energy and take your eyes off the prize. You are living an inspired life – there is no time for petty disputes and time-sapping resentment. You’ve got to be the amazing, self-controlled being God created you to be so that others will be blessed. Live well and prosper!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Worrying Is Praying For What You Don't Want!

Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.

I have theories about the power of thoughts and words that have been confirmed countless times by myself and millions of other people. I want to address what I call the push vs. pull approach to living life. This concept is essential to living a life free of worry, resentment, and anxiety. I submit that our thoughts are efforts to either push undesired situations away from us or pull desirable situations to us. As we grow in our understanding of the Law of Attraction, we recognize that our perception of the world around us colors our experiences.

Oftentimes, we worry, almost incessantly, about various issues in our lives. Interestingly enough, the things we often worry about are the things over which we have no control. Worry is a backstabbing friend in that it makes us feel as if we’re doing something about a situation although worrying brings us no closer to a solution. We spin the wheels of our emotions by worrying and then we’re left with little to no mental energy to approach issues in an intelligent and creative way.

This week, I encourage you to make worry a thing of the past. Worrying is not truly serving you. When you feel tempted to worry, affirm a positive outcome or concentrate on confidence-raising visions of the future. If you feel anxious, take action. Action is fear repellent and provides a constructive outlet for anxious energy. By taking action, you are exerting some degree of real control versus passively attempting to change the situation with negative thought and emotion.

Instead of using worry to try to push negative outcomes away, try using positive thought and affirmations to pull a solution to you. Imagine chasing a butterfly; it’s fickle and difficult to catch. You may find yourself frustrated and out of breath. However, if you sit still, it will come and gracefully land on your shoulder. The things we desire most often work in the same way. When negative, debilitating thoughts creep in, cancel them and replace them with positive thoughts that serve us. We must set the positive intention of bringing forth wonderful outcomes by praying, consulting with wise & trusted friends, and being honest about our feelings. Then we can rest knowing that God will not withhold any good thing from us.