Friday, November 20, 2009

An Entrepreneur's Intuition

Intuition is something we generally perceive to be a technique used in our personal lives to help us avoid bad situations. However, business people need to use their intuition now more than ever to discern which moves to make, when to make them, and with whom to make them.

The economic fluctuations witnessed over the past year are evidence that many of the
things we perceive to be stable and unshakable are indeed subject to change. As a
business person, you may find yourself feeling confused, frustrated, or even scared of the changes in your environment and what will happen next.

This is a unique time for business as periods of economic stagnation are often when the most brilliant and successful of businesses begin. Rather than be fearful, use this time to arm yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to survive and thrive. One of those skills that can serve you no matter what is happening in the economy is your intuition.

You may have had an experience where the facts and physical evidence seem to point to
the validity of a decision, but you have a nagging feeling that something isn’t right or that you shouldn’t move forward. Later, you discover why you had the unsettled feeling – because something was indeed out of order. Or maybe you wanted to hire a prospective employee because you had a good feeling about him or her, but the resume left something to be desired. Later, that person becomes a superstar at your competitor’s company and does great work. These kinds of situations present themselves every day.

Your intuition is given to you as a protective gift that will serve you if you learn to listen to it. Other people may not appreciate or understand all of your decisions, but you can rest assured that your intuition is your lifelong ally, dedicated to your survival and success. Give yourself time and space to make important decisions, and remember that life and business are about learning and growing. Begin using your intuition as a business tool; you will be surprised how many bad deals you can avoid and great deals you can create when you allow both your head and your heart to guide your decisions.

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