Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 Simple Steps to Success

Quick note: My blog format is changing. I'll share one blog every week on Wednesdays and periodic special blogs featuring radio show updates, career updates, quick Inspired Living tips and more. Enjoy! :-)

Now on to our regularly scheduled blog...

Sometimes the thought of being wildly successful and having it all can be overwhelming. Between your current life and the life you're headed to are all the things that have to be done.

Today, I'm sharing 5 simple ways to consistently be successful, even when you're facing challenges.

Remember that PERSISTENCE is one of the most important traits you can develop in your Inspired Life. The race doesn't go to the swift so no matter what, stay on your course. You WILL reap a tremendous reward if you stay focused and continue press forward.

1. Purpose & Desire - What are you after and why? What is your vision for your life and why do you want it? I'm always saying that if you have a big enough WHY the HOW will reveal itself. So, how big is your WHY - what do you want out of life and what will you do with it once you get it?

2. Plan - How do you intend to get to the top? You need a PLAN! I cannot stress this enough. The difference between a lot of talented or smart people and the people who are actually successful is a PLAN. You don't have to be the most intelligent or savvy person in the world to create a plan and carry it out, but you will enjoy success far beyond that of the average person if you'll simply clarify what you want and then create a specific plan for how you intend to attain it.

3. Focus - Eliminate anything and anyone that serves to distract you from your goals. People will tell you that you're crazy or that you can't do it - but 99.9% of the time, those are people who are AVERAGE and BROKE! Don't allow people to cast their shadows over your life. Their self-assigned limitations are not your boundaries! Your are unstoppable and as you step into your destiny, no one can stop you from being, doing, and having the very best in life. It's up to you to decide that you're worth it and to choose success. After all, it's just as easy to choose to be successful as it is to choose to be mediocre. If you ask successful people WHY they're successful, they can often cite the things they do differently but if you ask WHY they choose to be successful - they can only say, "Because I wanted to!" It's that simple - they choose success and so they become successful. And right now, in this moment, you are successful. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal - and because you are here, engaged in the process of going to the next level and living on purpose, you are a success!

4. People - Align yourself with people and groups who share your vision and mission and can help you achieve your goals. As tempting as it is to do it all yourself, you can get to the next level faster and easier if you'll connect with others who understand and support what you're doing. Replace any naysayers with people who are successful and are also capable of congratulating your success. There is magic in partnership when 2 or more people share a common goal and work towards it. Your relationships will help or hinder you on your path so cultivate healthy relationships that yield mutual benefit.

5. Act - The best plan in the world doesn't work unless you do. EVERY SINGLE DAY you should be taking actions that move you to closer to the attainment of your vision for your life. Your plan should outline the steps the take. Without action, the rest means nothing. Visualization can't take the place of specific, focused action. Nothing will take the place of your tenacity, will, drive, and motivation. Find things that inspire you and motivate you - people, places, things, and ideas. Have specific places to turn when your motivation lags. The fire of your desire needs to be white hot! Stay plugged in to sources of power that keep you accountable for your results.

Get out there and play big! You are a vessel of energy and possibility - be your best self and apply you knowledge. Choose to show up and play full out every day and watch your life yield BIG results.

To your Inspired Life,

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