Friday, January 1, 2010

11 Tips For Achieving Prosperity in 2010

1. Decide to be prosperous.
We already know that in order to achieve anything, we must first make a decision to do it. We must then believe that that achievement is possible for us. This is also true of prosperity and abundance. We must DECIDE that we will indeed be successful and prosperous. In committing to being prosperous, we can move on to do the things that will enable us to be prosperous and then have prosperity.

2. Develop a positive mindset
When you think of money or your financial situation, what comes to mind? How do you feel? We all know that we attract what we think about and what we focus on. Therefore, our focus needs to be on the things we want to invite into our lives instead of things we are seeking to avoid. Practice thinking positive thoughts about your financial situation and your life. Doing so will enable you to see solutions and opportunities more clearly.

3. Start talking about money!

How many of us grew up avoiding the topic of money? Did our parents and other adults speak openly and honestly about money or was it hush hush? In order to get a fir grasp on where we are financially, we must be willing to be honest with ourselves and our financial managers by being willing to open up a bit about our financial situation.

You never know where your blessing may come from so even though it's not necessary to wear your salary on your sleeve, it is wise to discuss financial matters with a spouse, mentor, or financial advisor.

4. Use strong, affirming language when you talk about money.

Your tongue and your words are extremely powerful! Do not take this for granted by speaking negativity and lack into your life. If necessary, post affirmations around your home that keep you focused on being, doing, and having more and then read them aloud as necessary. Get in the habit of using positive language as it relates to your finance. Putting abundance out into the atmosphere will result in the manifestation of the same.

5. Be open to opportunities.

Turn your opportunity radar on and up! When you become conscious of your own abundance, you also increase your sensitivity to new opportunities to create abundance in your life. Prosperity often lies dormant around us, but we do not see the opportunity because our paradigms are not programmed to recognize them. To relate an example, what was once just baking soda in your cupboard may now be a teeth whitener, clarifying hair treatment, and facial scrub. If you were unaware of the many benefits of baking soda, you may have left it sitting there unused. However, once you are in tune with the possibilities, you can find new uses for an old product. This principle also applies to abundance and prosperity. Look around for new ways to create abundance from old opportunities!

6. Take action!

What are you waiting for? With the holidays upon us, many people will begin putting things off until the New Year. Resist this temptation. There is no time like the present to get started achieving your goals and creating prosperity. Begin today, even if you only make a list of the different things you would like to do going forward.

7. Know exactly what you spend each month.
Oftentimes, we spend the money until we run out without thinking about what we're spending it on or why we're spending it. A pack of gum here, a bottle of conditioner there can add up quickly. Tracking your spending for 30-60 days can really help you get a grip on what you're spending money on and what adjustments can be made.

8. Know exactly what you earn each month.
Many ladies on this board have side hustles and multiple streams of income. There are also artists and creative types. Generally, this kind of thing results in a fluctuating income. It is important to have an understanding of our "fixed" income and "variable" income in order to budget properly and assess areas that need special attention. We may discover that we are simply not earning enough to cover all of our expenses or we may see that while we are earning plenty of money, we are misusing it.

9. Calculate the difference.
Know whether there is a surplus or deficit in your income. Do you need more money to cover your essentials or do you need to cut back on frivolous spending? Knowing the difference between what you earn and what you spend can go a long way towards achieving prosperity.

10. Track your net worth.
Add up all of your assets then subtract from that number all of your liabilities (debt, loans, etc). This number is your net worth. It is completely irrelevant what this number is...the important thing is that you know what it is so you know how to go about increasing it. This number does not in any way define's simply a tool, like a credit score, that can help you develop yourself financially.

11. Focus on being rich, not looking rich.
Ask yourself how much you are spending on things you don't really need. Think about the clothes you have and are not wearing. Consider the money you're spending on lattes, nail polish, and entertainment. Are there ways to cut back? This doesn't mean you can never live well and enjoy the things you have. It means that by avoiding being wasteful, you can increase your ability to establish and maintain wealth.

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