Thursday, December 31, 2009

Don't Create Resolutions This Year!!

This piece came directly from my Inspired Living E-zine. If you're feeling excited about 2010 but want to focus your energy, give this a shot. I recently heard that in the absence of clarity, it's impossible to tell the difference between an opportunity and a distraction. Be specific about what you want to see happen this year and be sure you're willing to trade something you have now to get it! Happy New Year!

This week, I’m offering you 4 practical tips for making 2010 your best
year ever. Regardless of what you want to see happen this year, you can
position yourself for outrageous success.

1. Mine 2009 For Lessons. What did you learn this year? It’s easy to
run through a mental list of what went well and where you could improve,
but seeing things on paper is powerful. Take time today or tomorrow to make
a physical list of 4 things
-Your successes from 2009
-Your challenges from 2009
-The areas where you improved the most (from one point to the next)
-The important lessons you learned in 2009
2. Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions. Decide what you want December
2010 to look like. Use the 6 key areas of Inspired Living as outlined in
Divine Inspirations or the free e-book you got when you signed up for this
list. Resolutions are traps. They create a desire to achieve something
meaningful, but they don’t contain the means to achieve the desired
result. Instead of resolutions, use the VGPA system for making things
happen in 2010.
Vision – Create the vision for 2010. What will success look and feel
like for you this year? What are you willing to exchange to get what you
want? Be specific with the details of your goals.
Goals – Set goals from those visions. For instance, if your vision is a
toned, healthy body, set goals that will help you accomplish that. Perhaps
your goal would look like this:
Health goals – lose 20 lbs, exercise 3 times per week, drink 1L of
water daily
From there, you’re empowered to make things happen because your goals
are specific and measurable.
Plan – After the goals are in place, then create a plan to make the
goals happen. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Be sure that you
spend the necessary time thinking through how you will make your goals
happen. Simply visualizing and hoping won’t work! Create a plan and
Make It Happen – No plan works unless you do! Get going! You’ve got
an amazing vision, great goals, and a well-laid plan. It’s time to pound
the pavement and to leverage your personal power for success. Don’t allow
half the year to blow by before you make moves on creating the next chapter
of your life.
3. Educate Yourself. Learn all you can about the subject matter of the
goals you set. Remember that readers are leaders, and that knowledge is
power. You can’t create an exceptional life if you don’t know what it
takes to get what you want. Invest in yourself and learn all you can to
become the best person you can in 2010.
4. Empower Yourself. Use all of the tools at your disposal to increase
your odds of success. Take the necessary steps to set yourself up to
succeed this year.
-Write your goals down. People who write their goals down achieve much
more than those who don’t. Take the time to list your goals and review
them daily.
-Visualize your goals. Spend time seeing yourself achieving your goals.
Take a few minutes each morning and each night to contemplate your goals
and see yourself inside of your future success.
-Create a vision board. Grab a piece of poster board and attach pictures
and words that reflect the goals you want to achieve in the 6 key areas of
Inspired Living. Use this vision board as a tangible reminder of everything
you’re working towards in 2010.
-Find a coach or mentor. Connect with someone who’s done the things you
want to do and create an alliance with that person. Remember that success
leaves clues and another person’s experiences can empower you to achieve
more, in less time.

Give yourself every chance for success this year. You deserve to “live
the life of your dreams”, and I’m committed to supporting you in 2010
as you reach for the starts.

Inspired Journaling Prompt: Write about your vision for 2010 and write
about why you want to see those things happen in your life.

Inspired Action: Use each of the 4 key success tips from this week to set
the pace for 2010. Make 2010 your best year ever and commit to your goals!

Until next time, be inspired!

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