Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Brain Breakfast

Breakfast for your Mind

Question: What did you feed your most intelligent organ today?

You may be puzzled and wonder if I’m referring to some special fruit extract found in the Amazon or a special brain food. Those things are great for the physical and chemical elements of your brain, but I’m actually referring to the stimuli your brain received this morning.

Consider this: How things begin is often how they end. You may have had this physical experience: You skip breakfast and by 1 pm, you’re starving. You binge on the first edible thing you can find (not usually something healthy) and your appetite and energy levels are all out of whack the rest of the day.

I’m sure you’ve heard experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – well that’s true for your body and your mind. When you start your day, what do you think about? What do you read? What do you listen to? What do you see? What do you feel? These are all a part of your brain breakfast – it’s the first mental of the day and the most important.

When you start the day feeding your mind with negative things, your energy levels, vibrations, thoughts, and actions will follow. Your subconscious mind is most impressionable at 2 times of the day: just before you fall asleep at night and upon waking in the morning. This is the prime time to feed it the most rich, nutritious mind food you can find.

So, I’m giving you the ultimate mind breakfast recipe:
-1 part prayer/meditation
-1 part journaling/reflection
-2 parts goal setting/envisioning an awesome day
-1 part visualization
-1 part reading/listening to uplifting content (books, songs, audio books, etc)

Place ingredients in mind and blend. Serves 1.

Now that you’ve got the ultimate recipe, you can start your day with clarity, purpose, and momentum. Even the most accomplished people have to set the intention to make every day count. Today is the day you can start consistently feeding your mind the breakfast of champions!

Inspired Journaling Prompt: Create an ideal mind breakfast for yourself. Make a list of some resources, websites, and other inspiring content that you can use as part of your mind breakfast.

Inspired Action: Give the new recipe a test run tomorrow! I dare you to try a hearty mind breakfast and enjoy the results as you go sailing into a great day. Share your results with me at lisa (at)

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