Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Since you’re an Inspired Lifer, I want you to live forever. Really I do. I think people who are showing up in the world, making meaningful contributions, and playing a BIG game should be around for as long as possible so they can continue to impact the world in a positive way. But alas, forever young is but a fantasy…but that doesn’t mean that you can’t slow down or even reverse the aging process.

You may be aware that the Inspired Living Challenge is on the horizon (7/7 is the official date we’ll get going!) and if you participated last year, you probably remember what I had to say about sugar. Welp, I’m saying it again.

SUGAR is your body’s worst enemy. Now if a murderer or thief wanted to come and hang out at your home, you’d probably object. Consider sugar the murderer and thief – it’s been caught stealing a youthful appearances and it’s been convicted of murdering health.

There are an infinite number of “healthy” lifestyle choices you could make – cutting out alcohol, exercising more often, cutting out red meat (and eventually I’ll address all of these – exciting huh?) but if you had to make only one choice, eliminating processed sugar would be a lifesaving choice.

So you’re probably going, “Yeah ok, Lisa, it sounds great now, but it won’t be quite as inspiring when I’m starving and just want to grab a candy bar.” You’re right. And that’s why I’m supplying the tips below to help you over the hump. It’s also why I’m sharing these 76 reasons sugar ruins your health…because you can’t have too much motivation.

-Eat 4-6 small meals during the day. Craving sugar and binging often comes from a dip in energy levels, but consuming refined sugar causes a spike in insulin levels which speeds up aging, inside and out.

- Drink water help curb sugar cravings. You’d be surprised how much a little water will do for you. Sometimes we’re reaching for sugar because we really want a snack and water is filling and energizing.

-Find alternatives to your usual sugary treats. If you’re a cookie monster, seek out natural, honey sweetened cookies to replace your Oreos. If you’re a candy connoisseur (I sympathize with you because I used to be addicted – been clean since 2007!), find organic fruit snacks and natural candy that contains simple fruit juices. It’s next to impossible to break a bad habit without replacing it with a good one so set yourself up for success by finding your alternatives first, then making the switch.

-Before reaching for sugar, try eating protein or having a small meal. If you crave something sweet, try fruit! It's called nature's candy for good reason. Pause periodically to ponder the good choice you're making for your health!

And if all else fails, read this list. Like I said, you’re an Inspired Lifer and you know that health is a fundamental principle to living well. So, get off the white stuff and turn back the clock!

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