Monday, February 22, 2010

Cracking Your Personal Success Code

I’ve got a secret to share with you today. I know something about you that you probably don’t even know about yourself – you have a success code. You’re probably wondering what a success code is and how I know you have one. So, here we go…

A success code is a personal formula that creates positive results in your life. It’s a method that opens the door to you getting what you want. Most people follow a general pattern of success such as setting goals, taking consistent action, etc. However, within that general pattern, there are specific methods that are unique to you. Discovering what these details are will unlock the life of your dreams.

Let me give you an example: I am a great at multitasking. For many years, I carelessly dismissed this important trait because I didn’t understand how it affected my success code. You may have heard the term, “Jack of many trades, master of none”, but there are some people who can engage in a handful of things and do each of them well. I’m one of those people. It sounds great, but it’s only an advantage if you know that it’s a number in my success code. At the beginning of my career, I thought I had to focus on one thing and one thing only. I thought, “Well, if I want to do something creative, then I can’t be a successful entrepreneur. And if I want to exceed in business, I can’t make movies or do anything Type B.” I was so WRONG! In fact, the skies parted and everything came into alignment when I realized that I work most efficiently and I’m at my best (not to mention much, much happier) when I’m doing more than one thing – when I’m able to work on several tasks, delegate, create solutions, think strategically. What a revelation! It completely changed my life.

I share this with you because many times people struggle for years to attain personal and professional success because they don’t know their success codes. They have belief patterns that keep them from thinking about themselves and their lives in new ways.

So, what is your success code? Use the questions below to evaluate your own methods of succeeding.

1. What criteria do you use to make decisions?

2. In what areas of your life do you consistently make good choices?

3. What are your natural gifts and talents?

4. What energizes you and gets you excited?

5. Do you work best in the morning or at night?

6. How many hours of sleep do you need to feel rested and be at your best?

7. Who inspires you to be better and live well?

Putting these elements together creates a matrix of things that contribute to your ability to consistently create success. Examine your answers closely and begin use each area to your advantage i.e. doing your most important work during your “golden hours” or the time of day you work best.

Inspired Journaling Prompt: Make a list of 5 successes you’ve had over the past 30 days. What do these successes have in common and how can you replicate your results?

Inspired Action: Do something today to contribute to your success. Repeat an action that has yielded successes in the past.

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