Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 13 of the 30 Day Inspired Living Challenge


A cluttered living space or work space can hinder productivity and peace of mind. Spend time today clearing the clutter and preparing to receive more of what you want!

Here's the scoop:
What? - Paper, clothes you aren't wearing, boxes, shoes, supplies - whatever it is, get it organized. Resolve to go through the piles you've been putting off and clear the clutter!

Why? - Clearing the clutter in your spaces will open you up energetically to fresh, new things and help you think more clearly about what you have and what you need.

How? - Give it away, find a home for it, throw it away, or store it away. Here are a few tips from Heloise for clearing your clutter:
If you have five minutes...

* Chuck crummy sponges and outdated cleaning products lingering in your kitchen; clear old leftovers out of the fridge and pitch any expired foods found in the pantry.
* Do a TV-room makeover. I call this method "TVC": During TV commercials, quickly tidy up the room you're in. Gather all the magazines, newspapers, and bits of trash and put them in the garbage. Straighten pillows and refold throws. Organize your worktable. On the next program break, you can even give the den a quick vacuum.
* Throw away old cosmetics and expired medicines in the vanity drawer or the cabinet over the sink. Sort bath towels and washcloths for laundering or the rag bag.
* Weed out toys and games that haven't been used recently. If they are in good condition, you can donate them to a shelter, a hospital or a school.
* Gather misplaced belongings in a holding basket; later, ask family members to claim their possessions and put them away.

If you have one hour...

When serious decluttering is in store, try the ABC method. Select a cabinet or closet that's been bugging you. Take everything out and arrange items into three piles:

A: always used
B: used during the holidays and special occasions, or seasonally
C: not seen or used in a year or so

Then do a final sort:
Step 1: Toss or give away C items unless they are valuable or have sentimental worth.
Step 2: Return B items to the back of the storage area.
Step 3: Place the A team in the front of the space so those items will be handy for immediate use.

Want more? Check out this detailed list of tips for how to get organized and clear the clutter for good!

Ready, set, GROW!

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