Saturday, October 3, 2009




Television can be a total time sap and block to your productivity and creativity!

For today, turn off the tube!

Here's the scoop:
What? - No TV today!
Why? - The average American watches 3 hours and 46 minutes of TV each day (that's more than 52 days of nonstop TV-watching per year).
By the age of 65 the average American will have spent nearly nine years glued to the tube! Think about how many important things you can accomplish if you just reduce your TV time in half!
People who watch the news every day report higher depression rates than those who don't. This challenge is designed to inspire you to think critically about how you spend your discretionary time. If you spend every night in front of the TV, you're missing out on a lot! Think about the alternatives - reading, spending time with family, journaling, meditating, exercising, starting a new project...there are countless things to do with your time that will yield meaningful results!
How? - If you find yourself in the break room at work and the TV is on, grab a book or head some place quiet. Instead of watching TV as you get dressed or eat dinner, concentrate on being present in your life and your activities. Choose a theme for the day (i.e. love, joy, peace, happiness, health, etc) and reflect or write about it whenever you feel tempted to turn on the tube.

Ready, set, GROW!

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