Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 24 of the 30 Day Inspired Living Challenge


Offer your hug to 5 people today.

Here's the scoop:
What? - Hug 5 people today. They can be good friends, family members, or even total strangers.

Why? - Hugging is a miracle medicine that can relieve many physical and emotional problems. Physicians often tell their patients to use hugging as part of their treatment for pain. To be held can be enormously therapeutic.

Researchers have discovered that hugging can help you live longer, protect against illness, cure depression and stress, strengthen family relationships, and even help you sleep without pills. They have discovered that when a person is touched, the amount of hemoglobin in their blood increases significantly. Hemoglobin is the part of the blood that carries vital supplies of oxygen to all organs of the body, including the heart and the brain. An increase in hemoglobin tones up the whole body, helps prevent disease, and speeds recovery from illness.

Many psychiatrists are convinced that the tender embrace can prevent or cure a host of different problems. Hugs can have an astonishing therapeutic effect by providing a sense of companionship and happiness. Studies have shown that people who are mentally run-down and depressed are far more prone to sickness than those who are not. Hugging can lift depression, enabling the body's immune system to become "tuned up." Hugging breathes fresh life into a tired body and makes you feel younger and more vibrant.

How? - Ask for permission & then give genuine, loving hugs! Hug your spouse, your children, friends, and relatives. You'll both feel great!

Ready, set, GROW!

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