Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 4 of the Inspired Living Challenge



Giving is the ultimate act of divine living! Today, give something away!

Here's the scoop:
What? - Give something away. Maybe you have an item lying around that someone else needs or maybe you've been meaning to take a bag of clothes to the Goodwill. Perhaps your coworker needs help with her workload. Whatever it is, find something valuable to give away to someone else - time, a listening ear, money, resources, etc.

Why? - It's impossible to give without receiving! Giving is a divine act, and your life is enriched when you give. Blessing others with a portion of what you've been given is a tangible expression of gratitude for the abundance in your life. It's also a humanitarian act as you reach out to meet the need of another person.

How? - Look for people in need! This challenge requires that you develop a consciousness of service. You'll have to be looking for opportunities throughout the day to help someone and give something away. Don't take no for an answer! Give wholeheartedly and observe the amazing effects of giving on yourself and others.

Ready, set, GROW!

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