Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gratitude Journaling

It's Thanksgiving - the day that reminds us all to be grateful for everything we have...but I have a proposal. Why don't we make every day from now until next year Thanksgiving? I mean, after all, we are blessed ALL year long and have so much to be grateful for.

This year, gratitude journaling has been a huge help to me. It's helped me remain conscious of just how fortunate I am and develop a new level of appreciation for the simple things in life.

I challenge you to try gratitude journaling every day for just 1 week. It's simple: Make a list every day (morning or night, your preference) of 5 things you're grateful for, big or small. Over time, you'll begin to express gratitude throughout the day without even thinking about it. Your mind and spirit will be saturated with gratitude which will free you up to experience even more abundance.

Never let a day go by without being grateful for all that you have!

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