Friday, October 16, 2009

Random Thoughts on a Friday...

It's Friday!! Not that I'm really celebrating since my days have a tendency to run together. Ever since I left corporate America, the days have an interesting rhythm. Anyhoo, it's a wonderful thing because it means that I don't dread Monday and not any more excited about Friday than I am every other day of the week. It's nice to be excited about every day.

I'm going to see Good Hair with the coproducer of a new film I'm working on. I'm apprehensive about this film (Good Hair) because I have a feeling that it didn't do the topic justice. Maybe I'm biased as a newly natural woman who is concerned with programming and conditioning of black girls and their hair. I'm keeping an open mind...we'll see.

I haven't unpacked from my 3 week run...I don't know what it is about unpacking that I absolutely detest. Fortunately, I've been traveling so much this year that I've been able to cheat and leave things packed until the next trip. LOL I leave for Dallas Friday and I have barely unpacked the essentials. Meh.

I bought a Blackberry Tour the other week, but I miss my Curve. The Tour is's just...I don't know. I'm still not completely used to it, and it has a couple of annoying settings that I'm working around. Whatever.

It's so SUNNY in LA today!!! I've been facing wind, clouds, overcast skies, and grey weather on the east coast. Even though I heart NYC, I looooove sunshine and warm temps. I'm happy to be in this only furthers my suspicion that I should be bicoastal. I've got good cause to be on both coasts - I need the sunshine, Hollywood, Whole Foods, and yoga...but I also need $5 pashminas on the street, fashion, amazing food, business, and a great nightlife. Yes, the time is nearing for me to make the leap.

Journaling is an extremely powerful thing...I think a lot of people underestimate the power of putting the pen to the pad. I'm guessing that I'm partial to it because I'm a writer, but beyond that, writing and journaling have gotten me through some of the most difficult times in my life. I'm grateful for what writing has been to me and what has allowed me to do with myself and for myself.

I have an audition today. Totally random. It's interesting because last year I moved behind the camera and fell in love with it. Part of it is my undying need to create and the other part is my control freak coming out. Anyway, I like being on the production side of things, but I kept my on camera representation. After all, the residuals from camera work are nice, and I like mailbox money! So, it's off to a Verizon audition we go.

I'm working on a new book for girls, and I'm really stoked about what this will become. There's such an amazing opportunity with Inspired Girls and all of it subsidiaries so I'm looking forward to getting this into the hands of the girls in our community!

Alright enough blogging...time to run some errands before the movie!



  1. Lisa,
    Girl, it's been a while since we talked! I can totally relate (and Amen!) the whole unpacking thing...I detest it as well. Still not unpacked from our trek to the east coast AND we leave for Mexico in 11 days...slightly different apparel, I suppose I should reset the suitcase for this one!
    We need to talk! I am working on a new book to help women support one another through tough times, I totally see a teenage version for this one and would love your collaboration on it. Let's find a time soon to talk! Cari

  2. Hi Lisa:

    My name is Keyana. I totally agree that writing / journaling is good for the soul. In fact I plan on writing for a while today to help me figure some things about my life out. Also, I wanted you to know I really appreciate the 30 day challenge you created. I started late so I'm still completing it and I have been making post on my facebook page so that my FB fam can participate as well. Have a great day. ;)
