Thursday, February 25, 2010

Moving Through Sad Times

We’ve all dealt with sad times – whether it be the end of a relationship, the death of a friend, or a missed opportunity. Unfortunately, sad times are an inevitable part of our lives. The best thing we can do is find healthy ways to move through sad times and use them as inspiration to press on and live well.

This week, we’re discussing how you can process sadness and move on to brighter days. There are 4 important things for an inspired person to remember when sad times visit.

Acknowledge circumstances. Ignoring tough times doesn’t make them go away; in fact, pretending things away often makes them worse. No matter how difficult, find the courage to face the sad time head on and resolve to move past it with the help of friends, family, and God.

Candidly express your feelings. Be completely honest with yourself and God about where you are. Express all feelings, not just those that seem justified or noble. You’re a human being, and you’re entitled to feel a wide range of emotions. The key is to feel every emotion yet not act on them. Instead, you’ll want to find healthy facilitative ways to release any negative emotions such as journaling, exercising, and prayer.

Have faith that this too shall pass. One of my favorite quotes says that no winter lasts forever and no spring skips its turn. Remember that sad times are temporary and that heartbreak does eventually heal with time. God doesn’t like seeing His children in pain so remember that God loves you no matter what and He’s on your side.

Be patient with yourself. Healing is a process that takes time. As adults, we often want to breeze past hurt feelings and resentments and “get over it”. However, dealing with emotions improperly can cause major issues in our relationships with others and ourselves. Your healing may not be linear; you may find yourself revisiting various stages as you move forward. That’s totally ok. Allow yourself to cry, be angry, be sad, and feel hope rise again.

Inspired Journaling Prompt: Journal about a sad topic and a healthy way to process your sadness. Although sadness is not a fun topic, assessing how you process sadness can help you in the present and the future. Are you suppressing sadness about anything that’s happened recently? Spend time writing candidly about your feelings and how you can resolve them.

Inspired Action: When you find yourself disappointed or upset this week, do something that will move you closer to a solution and something that will feed your spirit. Remember that your emotions need attention like every other important thing in your life.

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