Friday, February 19, 2010

You get what you prepare for!

You may have heard the saying that when preparation meets opportunity, success happens. In recent years, there’s been a lot of talk about the internal success process: creating a vision, visualizing yourself in possession of the goal, and creating positive vibes & energy. All of these things are helpful in your process of creating success, but no amount of positive thinking takes the place of preparation.

Are you prepared to get everything that you say you want to receive? Success is not an accident. It happens as the result of a clear vision, a well conceived plan, and most importantly, ACTION. Without action, even the best laid plans are worthless.

You don’t get what you want or think about – you get what you prepare for. Today, consider what you are truly prepared to receive in your life and what you’re merely wishing for. Throughout history, we see countless battles won, victories achieved, and triumphs gained because of focus and preparation. In order to be the best, you have to train for your challenges – because everyone meets with challenges at one time or another. Your success lies in how you handle those challenges and how you leverage setbacks for success.

Without preparation, countless opportunities will slip through your fingers. Consider yourself a top athlete or major star preparing for a performance. You need to see yourself winning and doing well, and you need to train like crazy so that your success is second nature. Your big event is your destiny, and you don’t want to be without the strength, knowledge, and skills necessary to give your very best to your life.

It’s time to stop wishing and hoping and start preparing! Prepare to receive what you want by making room in your life for what you want and taking the necessary steps to capitalize on every opportunity that crosses your path.

Journal about your vision for your life. What do you truly want to see happen? What will it take for you to get that which you desire most? Are you truly ready to receive what you desire most?

Take action every day this week to prepare for your destiny. Maybe it means getting rid of the old to prepare for the new or perhaps you need to strengthen some mental muscle to move into a new season. Whatever it may be, get READY! Your destiny is waiting for you!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    Excellent post. Success is where preparation meets opportunity. People are looking for opportunities in areas where they are underdeveloped and overexposed. Success can even become a person's downfall if their character isn't ready to handle opportunities that their charisma has opened.

    Preparation may not be enjoyable always but it's necessary to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. Thanks again for this powerful reminder!

    Paul Wilson, Jr.
    "Dream Catalyst"
