Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The simple way to be immediately successful

There's a simple yet powerful way to be immediately successful: Start working on a meaningful goal.

What is your definition of success? So many people have super lofty, pie in the sky ideals - a mansion, a billion dollars, a fleet of luxury cars, an appearance on Oprah, an endless supply of rich and beautiful friends, a smoking hot spouse, a jet for spur of the moment vacations and so much more. Maybe you simply want to retire early or find the love of your life. Whatever your goal is, you don't have to wait until you achieve it to be successful.

Most of my readers know I'm a personal development junkie - I devour material that helps me do what I do better. I am a life strategist - I help people integrate their lives to create the life of their dreams. It's fun & exciting work, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. Anyhoo, I'm always listening to or reading something on personal development and one of my favorite recordings of all time is Earl Nightengale's Strangest Secret. It's such a powerful recording, and it always inspires me to step my game up.

In the recording, Earl Nightengale states that success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Interesting, huh? What if you're already successful? What if you've wrongly considered yourself an outsider from the "successful people"? You may be thinking, "Well, if I'm successful, why don't I have anything to show for it?"

Successful people are ALWAYS learning. I've observed that the most successful people in the world are endlessly curious and always seeking out new knowledge. They're also not afraid of any perceived failure. They insist on playing full out and so, they enjoy success that many people never even attempt.

In Earl's definition, he uses the word event that occurs over time. Contrary to the belief of many people, success is not an instant event. It's not an occurrence; it's a development. It's a commitment that one makes that reveals itself over time.

So today, I dare you to consider yourself successful. I mean really successful. And to take it all a step further, begin referring to yourself as such. It doesn't make you stuck up or egotistical or any of that - it makes you confident and reaffirms the truth - that as you continue working toward your worthy ideal, you, in all of your inspired glory, are successful.

1 comment:

  1. You are the master in personal development. I think I recall you saying you've read over 200 titles. Wow! I'm inspired.
