Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Ultimate Dream Killer

Ok...I'm going to warn you that this post is going to be intense because I feel VERY strongly about this topic...

If you're reading this, I assume you have dreams, goals, and things you'd like to see happen in your life. I would guess that you're a reasonably positive person who enjoys being inspired since you're reading this.

And yet, I'd imagine that at some time in your life, you've dealt with the ultimate dream killer.

You've been cruising along, getting things done, and enjoying some success. You've happily accepted the awesome things that have come your way, only to get comfortable and begin to shrink.

And rears its ugly head. The Dream Killer comes in like a thief in the night, snatching up your ability to succeed while you are none the wiser, basking in the glow of your previous accomplishments.

But you're not the victim. You weren't vigilant and so, the Ultimate Dream Killer visited you via an unspoken invitation.

You looked up and realized that you were plagued by it - PROCRASTINATION.

I have never seen anything other than fear be responsible for so many dashed dreams and so much unrealized potential. Throughout my years as a speaker, writer, and coach, I've witnessed the countless excuses people come up with for not starting NOW on making their dreams a reality and at the root, I see the Ultimate Dream Killer, procrastination, causing even the most brilliant and successful people to be stagnant.

So today, I pose a simple yet poignant question: What are you waiting for (to go to the next level, to take the next step, to create the life of your dreams, to excel even higher)? Sometimes it's money or another person or an opportunity or more time or next year or the "right situation"...frankly, I don't care what the answer is. I just want you to answer it for yourself because we can slay the dragon if he's a ghost.

So you say you're waiting on __________________. Alright...let me ask you this: What is ____________________ never comes? Will you simply forgo your dream and all of its splendor because you never got what you thought you needed? Or will you decide to find a way or make one?

I want you to challenge your assumptions. What do you believe is standing in your way and why are you putting off the specific, important action necessary to move forward? ACTION is such a beautiful thing - not only is it fear repellant, it's also kryptonite to the Ultimate Dream Killer. When you move, everything else moves. The universe is in motion - you are either evolving with it, or devolving into death. Your choice.

My challenge to you today is to DO IT NOW. No, seriously, like, right now. I know that tomorrow, or next week, or next year or next lifetime sounds and feels better, but there's no power in that. Your point of power is ALWAYS's always in the moment. You leverage that power by consistently acting in alignment with your stated goals and intentions.

What will you DO today? Don't let the Ultimate Dream Killer leave you behind in a lackluster life. Create a powerful plan and take powerful action. There are enough people and things to get in your way - don't be one of them! Free yourself by opening yourself up to the possibilities of inspired action. Ok, enough chatter - go take action!

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