Monday, December 21, 2009

A Healthy Life Stems From Healthy Choices

In life, we all have choices to make…from the clothes we’ll wear each day to the careers we pursue, we have to weigh our options and make decisions.

Many of us have goals we’d like to achieve and things in our lives we’d like to change. What many of us fail to realize is how connected our decisions, however big or small, are to the circumstances and realities of our lives.

Too often, we make choices that are not in keeping with the goals we are attempting to achieve. A lack of discipline is usually the cause of this ill, but behaving in a disciplined way requires self-esteem and awareness. If a person’s goal is to lose weight, then why would that person choose not to exercise? If a person is trying to save money for a car or a home, then why would that person choose to spend $500 on unnecessary clothes? We have to examine how today’s decision affect tomorrow’s reality. While we shouldn’t live in worry or stress of what tomorrow may bring, it is responsible for us to consider our futures in every decision we make in all facets of our lives.

We can craft the very life we want to live! Do you realize that? Nothing is stopping you from going where you want to go, doing what you want to do, and being who you want to be but YOU! We can easily site a list of outside reasons why we can’t do this or can’t do that, but I present to you the theory that we are in control of ourselves and our lives, right after God.

Blaming the past, other people, and our circumstances weakens us and keeps us from ever fulfilling our potential. By taking responsibility for our decisions and the outcome, we take our power back and are then able to wield that power to our advantage in making more informed decisions in the future.

Our decisions shape our destinies. The decision to have an apple instead of a bag of potato chips can contribute to a healthier, leaner body. The decision to save $20 instead of blowing it on the club may result in earlier retirement. The decision to sleep a little longer in the morning may result in being late for work. The decision to go to counseling with a loved one may result in a life-changing bond.

Our CHOICES, the ones we make every day, are the essence of what we become and how our lives unfold. With healthy choices come healthy, desirable consequences. With poor choices come poor, unpleasant consequences. Oftentimes, we don’t recognize the cumulative effect of our actions until it’s too late.

Understanding the profundity of our choices enables us to own the decision-making process and be more aware of how we can are the constructors of our circumstances, good or bad.

So, today I encourage you to make healthy, life-affirming choices that are in alignment with your goals and your vision for yourself. Be wise and strong enough to reject those things that do not improve your life and choose the things that do.

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