Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giving Is The Key To A Happier, Healthier Life

Science as well as experience has shown us that giving is a one of the most profound experiences we can have. Many of us have experienced the pleasure of giving to those in need and those we love, but we may not be aware of just how much of a service we do to ourselves by giving.

Studies have shown that people who give not only live better lives (fewer illnesses, better emotional health), but they also live longer lives. This is important because it’s evidence that the things we put into our bodies are not the only determinants of how long or how well we live. Additionally, it speaks to the impact of emotional and mental health on physical health.

I’ve often said that our physical health is directly affected by our emotional health, and I see evidence everywhere of this being true.

By giving, we not only open ourselves up to the receiver, we bring ourselves into harmony with our minds and the universe. We, as humans, are spiritual beings having human experiences, which is why we often feel compelled to help those in need and experience emotions like sympathy. By allowing our emotional instincts to guide us, we become giving, loving people, and in turn, do ourselves some tremendous favors.

Although it appears that the receiver of the gift benefits the most from it, the truth is that the GIVER benefits just as much, if not more. How do you feel when you’re able to give a child something he/she needs? Good, right? That feeling, also known as a Helper’s High, releases feel good chemicals into the blood stream. In addition to feeling that we’ve done something good, we are put in touch with our realities and our minds are taken off of ourselves. By focusing on someone else’s need, we’re able to put our own perceived problems and shortcomings aside…and in coming back to them, we usually realize that they are not nearly as intimidating as we once thought.

So, I encourage you to enjoy the benefits of giving! In addition to helping those around you, you’ll be helping yourself to become a better person and to live better and longer!

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