Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Worrying Is Praying For What You Don't Want!

Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.

I have theories about the power of thoughts and words that have been confirmed countless times by myself and millions of other people. I want to address what I call the push vs. pull approach to living life. This concept is essential to living a life free of worry, resentment, and anxiety. I submit that our thoughts are efforts to either push undesired situations away from us or pull desirable situations to us. As we grow in our understanding of the Law of Attraction, we recognize that our perception of the world around us colors our experiences.

Oftentimes, we worry, almost incessantly, about various issues in our lives. Interestingly enough, the things we often worry about are the things over which we have no control. Worry is a backstabbing friend in that it makes us feel as if we’re doing something about a situation although worrying brings us no closer to a solution. We spin the wheels of our emotions by worrying and then we’re left with little to no mental energy to approach issues in an intelligent and creative way.

This week, I encourage you to make worry a thing of the past. Worrying is not truly serving you. When you feel tempted to worry, affirm a positive outcome or concentrate on confidence-raising visions of the future. If you feel anxious, take action. Action is fear repellent and provides a constructive outlet for anxious energy. By taking action, you are exerting some degree of real control versus passively attempting to change the situation with negative thought and emotion.

Instead of using worry to try to push negative outcomes away, try using positive thought and affirmations to pull a solution to you. Imagine chasing a butterfly; it’s fickle and difficult to catch. You may find yourself frustrated and out of breath. However, if you sit still, it will come and gracefully land on your shoulder. The things we desire most often work in the same way. When negative, debilitating thoughts creep in, cancel them and replace them with positive thoughts that serve us. We must set the positive intention of bringing forth wonderful outcomes by praying, consulting with wise & trusted friends, and being honest about our feelings. Then we can rest knowing that God will not withhold any good thing from us.


  1. Lisa, this is so perfect! Kim and I were talking about our paradigms around money and how they are all based on a hoarder mentality that stops the flow of abundance in our lives. Right on!

  2. :::HIGH FIVE::: Awareness is such a powerful thing, Cari! And it's wonderful that you have the freedom to discuss it in a safe environment. Many people believe that hoarding is the solution to lack, but the opposite is true. It's like a backed up drain...everything needs to keep flowing!
